Friday, December 21, 2012

I know it's been a while...but some guy ran away from me

Hey all,

I know we haven't posted in a while - both of us have VERY busy jobs - and we're all dealing with the a-hole dudes in our lives.
No really, I know it's been a while but the last guy I went on a date with literally ran away from me.

I've been messaging this guys for a couple of weeks, which then progressed to some serious texting. The whole thing lasted a few weeks longer than I normally would approve of, but in my line of work (cough, cough, retail) it's a little busy this time of year.

So Alex - oh yeah, his name is Alex - and I went out for a drink in my 'hood.  One drink turned into three and turned into dinner and five hours later I was all "oh gosh, is it already 12:30?! I have to be at work at 8. Time for me to go home." Alex, being the awesome guy that I thought he was offered to walk me home.

Now, a girl might think that after five hours of a date, where you insist on paying for everything and then insist on walking me home in my incredibly safe neighborhood, that Alex would be interested.

HAHA the jokes on you fuckers, because he wasn't. This guy walked me home and then fled as if I told him that I was wearing a smallpox blanket. No "thanks I had a great time" hug. No "let's do this again soon" weird cheek kiss/hug. Not even an "sooo, this was...great?" super awkward goodbye. Just a fucking cut and run as soon as I was at my door.

Now, gents...whats the deal. I'm not about to spend five hours, let alone my $$$ on some guy who turns out, I'm not that into. What happened here? No seriously, WHAT HAPPENED? If you're not interested, please just say something. Don't lead me on for an entire evening (an evening I could be drinking wine alone in my underpants, thankyouverymuch), and then not do anything about it.

Listen. I wasn't invested in Alex. I was invested in my five hours, my Blue Moons and my burger. But if Alex wasn't interested in me, why was he too afraid to say so? At this point in my life I'm not looking for anything resembling a serious relationship - and I'm certainly not hiding that fact. So if all I really want is your honesty, why is it so hard to tell me no? Oh, and maybe I should mention that I'm an actor so rejection REALLY HONESTLY SERIOUSLY doesn't faze me.